Pilgrimage routes

Map updated on November 9, 2021.
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Some 1,000 years ago, news spread that the Abbey of Vézelay kept relics *) of Mary Magdalene and that miraculous healings were taking place. As a result, more and more pilgrims, from all directions, found their way to this holy place. 

*) Relics are remains of the body of a saint or objects that have been in contact with a saint

Vézelay is still an important crossroads. Pilgrimage routes from Paris, the Netherlands and Belgium, Germany and Switzerland converge here and then fan out towards Santiago (via Bourges, Nevers or Le Puy-en-Velay) and Assisi (with the tomb of Saint Francis). 

On the map opposite, these pilgrimage routes are indicated by light blue lines (sometimes completely, sometimes partly). More information becomes visible when you click on a line. (Additional information about the map can be found here, top right.)

Below we list these pilgrims' routes in relation to the Tour de Vézelay. (On the map opposite, the Tour is indicated by a dark blue line.)

Tour de Vézelay - North

from Paris:

from Netherlands / Belgium:

from Germany / Switzerland:


Tour de Vézelay - East

from Germany / Switzerland:

to Italy / Assisi:

to Spain / Santiago:

regional pilgrimage route:

Tour de Vézelay – West

to Spain / Santiago: